
Senin, 30 Juni 2014


rename to zg5ia32.fd
and copy Flashit.exe

ctrl - alt - u

fn + b/n/m (salah satu)
rename to .bin
Ideapad S10-3
Win + B
Win + F
Win +R
Win + Esc
Fn + B
Fn + F
Fn +R
Fn + Esc
Ideapad S10-2
  1. obtain the working BIOS image from Lenovo site. Usually BIOS is shipped in a self-extracting windows binary; if you're on Linux you can use 7z to extract it. You only need the BIOS image itself, which is exactly 1MB in size and is typically called KIUN0XXX.ROM
  2. format a USB flash drive or an SD card to FAT filesystem.  (Both FAT16 and FAT32 should do.) Do not partition it, just make the whole drive a single filesystem. No boot sector is neccessary.
  3. put the BIOS image at the root directory of the flash drive under name KIUN0IA32.FD.
  4. turn off the netbook
  5. unplug the power cord
  6. pull out the battery
  7. insert the flash drive / SD card in the corresponding slot
  8. press and hold Fn-B key combination
  9. while holding Fn-B, plug in the power cord
  10. still holding Fn-B, press Power button
  11. the computer will spin up the fan but the screen will remain black
  12. the computer will beep
  13. if it finds the appropriate file, it'll beep again, read it in, and will start flashing the BIOS beeping every few seconds
  14. once complete (under 1 min), it'll reboot itself
  15. voila, verify that it now boots correctly, shut it down, assemble the battery and start hacking anew